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》简介: 考研 - 考研英语[考研英语写作模拟试题]由[乐教网]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,大小为783 KB,
on the following outline: 1.盗版软件已对社会产生了不良影响 2.盗版软件泛滥的原因 3.如何制止盗版软件 section vi writing(15 points) with more and more people having computers, cds, vcds or even dvds have become common things in our life. as some software programs have begun to enter a big market, some people tried to make pirated software for profits and the pirated software has affected the market already. the reasons why pirated software has run wild are as follows. first, there is a huge profit behind it. each pirated disc will produce 200% net profit. second, there is no strict law to control the production and distribution of pirated software. that last reason is that education or publicity has fallen behind. people are not aware of the harm which pirated software would bring to the market and thus they wo考研英语写作模拟试题


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