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我喜爱的动物英语作文:My favourate animal

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My favourate animal is tiger,because tiger is very strong and powerful,it is the king of the forest.Tiger looks handsome as well, the skin has two corlors:yellow and black,and they are both my favourate colors. I like tiger,and the year 2010 is just the Chinese tiger year.I hope all the people will keep healthy,just like tiger.

我最喜欢的动物是老虎,因为老虎很强壮和威武,它是丛林之王。老虎看起来很帅气,它的皮毛有两种颜色:黄色和黑色,都是我最喜欢的颜色。 我喜欢老虎,并且2010年刚好是中国的虎年,我希望所有人都能健康,就像老虎那样。

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