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Section A
Steven: Well. I have an appointment now.
Lily: I'm in quite a hurry too.
Steven: Good to see you. Goodbye.
Lily: Goodbye. Take care of yourself.
Section B
Lily: I guess I'd better go now.
Steven: I've got to be going now too.
Lily: In that case, I'll be seeing you.
Steven: So long. See you later.
Section C
Steven: It's getting late, and I have to go now.
Lily: We're sorry you have to leave.
Steven: Please excuse me, won't you?
Lily: Certainly. Come back soon.
Section D
Lily: I'm glad to have met you.
Steven: Thank you. It was nice to have seen you.
Lily: I hope we can get together again.
Steven: Yes. I'll be looking forward to it.
Section E
Steven: I think I have to leave now.
Lily: Must you go soon?
Steven: I'm afraid I really have to .
Lily: Well, it was fun to get together again.
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