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俄语专业毕业生英文自荐信为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为英文自荐信,本站还有更多关于英文自荐信范文英文求职信英文自我介绍英文自荐信格式,求职指南 - 求职信 - 英文自荐信的文章。
Respect for school leadership:
    I am a South China Normal University Foreign Languages Institute graduates, I have loved the work of teachers, but also very much hope that can work to your school.
In 2005, I have a xx by xx in the province entered the South China Normal University Department of Russian, I in the early high school when the school is English, so when entering the university in?
During the study at the university, it is not enough to just do a good job of learning, should develop their own multi-ability, I have students work in the department, which presided over?
Heavy academic universities I did not crush, cheerful personality to help me, the so-called "a Yichi, Man of the Road," I will engage in peace?
From the sophomore year, after-school time, I began working in home work, although the specialty is Russian, but I teach are English, by virtue of their down-to-earth British?
Rigorous and realistic style of your school teaching attracted me, and I hope I can have the honor of a school, for schools of education contribute to a force I.



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