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初级德语学习:几个常用德语短语(英德对照)为http://www.170yx.com整理发布,类型为德语入门,本站还有更多关于德语学习,德语四级,德语培训,考试文库 - 外语考试 - 德语入门的文章。

? Good morning!.--- Guten Morgen!

? Good evening! --- Guten Abend

? Good night! --- Gute Nacht!

? Good afternoon! --- Guten Tag!

? see you soon! --– the german expression for this is: Bis bald!

? pleased to meet you --- angenehm! which literally means "comfortable…". Another expression used on being introduced to someone is "es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen"

? come in! in german is --- herein!

? OK! in german is --- in Ordnung!

? How good! , great! --- the german phrase equivalent is --- wie gut, klasse!

? good luck! in german is --- Viel Glück!

? bring me! in german is --- Bring mir/Bringen Sie mir! for example – "bringen Sie mir die Rechnung, bitte!" is a useful german phrase to know.

? careful! watch out! take care!, caution! in german is . --- . Achtung!

? congratulations! in german is --- Glückwunsch!

? many thanks!, thank you very much!. . .vielen Dank!

? don’t mention it!, you’re welcome! - the german phrase is ---bitte! "Keine Ursache" is also a very common expression used after someone says danke!. It literally translates as "no cause".

? help! (emergency) - the german phrase is --- Hilfe!

? how are you? --- Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen?

? how do you say …? --- Wie sagt man zu

? I’m sorry! - the german phrase is --- Es tut mir leid!

? What a shame! what a pity! in german is --- Wie schade!



Tags:德语入门,德语学习,德语四级,德语培训,考试文库 - 外语考试 - 德语入门

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