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“打铁”有三层意思。第一个意思是指用铁锤在铁砧上敲打炽热的铁件或其他金属件的具体动作。英语可以译为 to strike 或 to hit。汉语成语“趁热打铁”,在英语里有个现成的对应说法 to strike while the iron is hot,意思是 to act while you have the chance to,比喻“做事抓紧时机”,例如:

1. The idiom “to strike while the iron is hot” comes from the black-smithing practice of heating up metal, then striking it when it is malleable to shape it. “趁热打铁”这个习语来自铁匠打铁的做法,即一边将铁烧热,一边趁铁可塑成形时不停地锤打。

2. The blacksmith is striking a piece of hot metal on an anvil with his hammer. 铁匠正用铁锤在铁砧上锤打一块炽热的金属件。

“打铁”的第二个意思是指锻造钢铁工件的过程或工序。英语可以译为to forge,意思是to shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it with a hammer,例如:

3. Traditionally, forging was performed by a smith using hammer and anvil. 传统上,打铁是由铁匠使用铁锤在铁砧上进行的。

“打铁”的第三个意思是指铁匠锻造行当和技艺。英语可以译为 blacksmithing,现在亦称“铁艺”,例如:

4. Blacksmithing is a profession and is the art of forging items out of metals or minerals. 打铁是一种职业,是用金属或矿石锻造工件的技艺。

5. Bill has been a blacksmith for years, he enjoys the robust excitement of forging metals and creating unique art pieces using his blacksmithing talent. 比尔当铁匠多年,能运用自己的打铁技术锻造金属件和创作独特工艺品,他喜欢工作时那种激动兴奋的感觉。

“打铁”,需要有三方参与。一是对象物,指锻造的铁件或其他金属件,英语为iron或metal。二是工具,一般使用铁锤和铁砧,英语为hammer和anvil。三是动作者,即“打铁的人”、“打铁的”或“铁匠”,英语为blacksmith, ironsmith或smith。


6. To be turned into iron, the metal itself should be strong. (现场翻译) 回译:为了锻造成铁件,金属自身应该坚硬。

7. The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron. (BBC) 回译:金属自身必须坚硬才能锻造成铁件。


8. To forge iron, you need a strong hammer. (Daily Telegraph)回译:为了打铁,你需要一把硬铁锤。


9. To forge iron, one must be strong. (CNN and New York Times)回译:为了打铁,人须强壮。

10. A smith should be strong to forge iron. (摘自网络) 回译:铁匠应该强壮才能打铁。

11. The ironsmith must himself be strong for iron work. (摘自网络) 回译:铁匠必须自身强壮才能打铁。

12. To be a blacksmith, you need to be tough yourself. (摘自网络) 回译:为了当一名铁匠,你需自身强壮。


13. A good blacksmith needs to toughen himself up. 回译:好铁匠需要使自身更加强壮。

to toughen sb. up的比喻意义是to make sb. stronger and more able to deal with difficult situations,即“使人经受磨练而变得更加强壮,更加有能力应对困难情况”,例如:


14. To address these problems, we must first of all conduct ourselves honorably. (新华社) 回译:为了解决这些问题,我们首先必须让自己光明磊落地行事。


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